Coaching // "Parlez-vous Français ? Do you speak French ?" - Vincennes
Je me propose | Coaching personnelDescription
Je suis coach vocal, également comédienne et chanteuse et je propose des sessions de français, pour débutants ou confirmés, pour vous permettre de dépasser votre timidité et d'améliorer vos compétences, en matière de communication orale et/ou écrite !
Hello ! Would you like to start to learn French ? Or to improve your French language skills and be able to express yourself more properly, even in a trendy way, like a typical Parisian ? :) I might be able you out ! I am an actress and a vocal coach, I helped already a lot of people to feel more confident expressing themselves in French, most of the time in international companies. I would be really happy to help you out ! Don't hesitate to send me a message :)
Localisation (Vincennes (94300))
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